The Context:
I saw this post in the official page of Rabindra Mishra.
एउटा आधारहीन आरोपको खण्डन
(श्यर गरिदिनु भए आभारी हुने थिएँ)
सबभन्दा पहिले यसो भनुँ: विद्यावारिधि गर्नु, विश्वविद्यालयको प्राध्यापक हुनु भनेको, तथ्यको सुक्ष्म र प्राज्ञिक विश्लेषण गर्ने क्षमतामा विशिष्टता हासिल गर्नु हो।
तर दुखपूर्वक भन्नु पर्छ एकजना ‘प्राध्यापक-डाक्टर’ले एउटा टेलिभिजन अन्तर्वार्तामा ममाथि अत्यन्तै आधारहीन र अ-प्राज्ञिक टिप्पणी गरेछन्। आफ्ना विद्यार्थीलाई असल र विशिष्ट प्राज्ञिक संस्कारबाट दीक्षित गर्नु पर्ने व्यक्तिले त्यसप्रकारको सस्तो र चरित्रहत्या हुने टिप्पणी गर्नु दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण कुरा हो।
र, पत्रकारहरूले पनि कुनै अन्तर्वार्ता दिने व्यक्तिले कसैको गम्भिर चरित्रहत्या हुने आरोप लगाएको छ भने “अन्तर्वार्ता दिने व्यक्तिले भनेको त हो नि, मैले भनेको होइन” भनेर त्यसलाई प्रसारण/प्रकाशन गर्नु हुँदैन। लाइभ अन्तर्वार्ता हो भने अन्तर्वार्ता दिने व्यक्तिलाई तुरुन्तै रोक्नु र चुनौति दिनु पर्छ। रिकर्डेड हो भने त्यस्तो अंश सम्पादन गर्नु पर्छ या त्यसको पुष्टी गर्नै पर्छ।
नत्र अन्तर्वार्ता दिने मात्र होइन, अन्तर्वार्ता लिने व्यक्ति पनि दोषको त्यत्तिकै भागेदार हुन जान्छ।
Out of curiosity, I decided to dig deeper to understand what was going on. Then read this, "A veteran political commentator in Nepal has questioned former BBC employee Rabindra Mishra’s moral ground for leading a political party in his native Nepal. Because, Professor Surendra KC argued, Mr. Mishra once ran a media “campaign”, “within the last fifteen years”, during which interviewees were asked if Nepal should be merged into India."
My understanding of entire story: A highly regarded political commentator (Professor Surendra KC) made some serious allegations against Mr. Rabindra Mishra in a television interview. Mr. Rabindra Mishra clearly thinks the statement aims at "character defamation" and is a baseless allegation.
Some of my personal observations on the matter:
i) People making baseless statements against leaders and public figures is not a new thing. However, the way leader/public figure reacts to this allegation means a lot. The reaction shows the character of the person and tests his belief. To be honest, I am very disappointed with the facebook post of Mr. Mishra. I expected (and still expect more from him) he would clearly indicate the details of the event and the person responsible. The facebook post is a half-hearted reaction which is not a desirable trait in a leader. I do not want Mr. Mishra to get personal but he can always be clear and specific in issue this serious.
ii) If the allegation is baseless and false Mr. Rabindra Mishra should file a lawsuit against the one who made such allegation and the media house who broadcasted the interview. I am not suggesting this as personal vendetta but this in large would reflect that Mr. Mishra believes in the legal remedies (where necessary). There are other implication if the case is registered;
Dear Rabindra Mishra Sir, You have sacrificed your glittering professional career to pursue a political career. Don't take things like this in a small way and fight back in a half-hearted manner (without even disclosing the specifics of what/who you are talking about). Start with something small but meaningful. Show that you are different from your action. The big buzzwords like transparency, accountability and impunity are reflected in small acts of seeing redress to issue like this. Else, how can people trust someone who won't fight for one's own personal dignity in a lawful way.
People want a leader they can rely on and this is the first chance you have been handed to show you are different and profess what you preach.
I hope you think it through and take appropriate actions.
I saw this post in the official page of Rabindra Mishra.
एउटा आधारहीन आरोपको खण्डन
(श्यर गरिदिनु भए आभारी हुने थिएँ)
सबभन्दा पहिले यसो भनुँ: विद्यावारिधि गर्नु, विश्वविद्यालयको प्राध्यापक हुनु भनेको, तथ्यको सुक्ष्म र प्राज्ञिक विश्लेषण गर्ने क्षमतामा विशिष्टता हासिल गर्नु हो।
तर दुखपूर्वक भन्नु पर्छ एकजना ‘प्राध्यापक-डाक्टर’ले एउटा टेलिभिजन अन्तर्वार्तामा ममाथि अत्यन्तै आधारहीन र अ-प्राज्ञिक टिप्पणी गरेछन्। आफ्ना विद्यार्थीलाई असल र विशिष्ट प्राज्ञिक संस्कारबाट दीक्षित गर्नु पर्ने व्यक्तिले त्यसप्रकारको सस्तो र चरित्रहत्या हुने टिप्पणी गर्नु दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण कुरा हो।
र, पत्रकारहरूले पनि कुनै अन्तर्वार्ता दिने व्यक्तिले कसैको गम्भिर चरित्रहत्या हुने आरोप लगाएको छ भने “अन्तर्वार्ता दिने व्यक्तिले भनेको त हो नि, मैले भनेको होइन” भनेर त्यसलाई प्रसारण/प्रकाशन गर्नु हुँदैन। लाइभ अन्तर्वार्ता हो भने अन्तर्वार्ता दिने व्यक्तिलाई तुरुन्तै रोक्नु र चुनौति दिनु पर्छ। रिकर्डेड हो भने त्यस्तो अंश सम्पादन गर्नु पर्छ या त्यसको पुष्टी गर्नै पर्छ।
नत्र अन्तर्वार्ता दिने मात्र होइन, अन्तर्वार्ता लिने व्यक्ति पनि दोषको त्यत्तिकै भागेदार हुन जान्छ।
Out of curiosity, I decided to dig deeper to understand what was going on. Then read this, "A veteran political commentator in Nepal has questioned former BBC employee Rabindra Mishra’s moral ground for leading a political party in his native Nepal. Because, Professor Surendra KC argued, Mr. Mishra once ran a media “campaign”, “within the last fifteen years”, during which interviewees were asked if Nepal should be merged into India."
My understanding of entire story: A highly regarded political commentator (Professor Surendra KC) made some serious allegations against Mr. Rabindra Mishra in a television interview. Mr. Rabindra Mishra clearly thinks the statement aims at "character defamation" and is a baseless allegation.
Some of my personal observations on the matter:
i) People making baseless statements against leaders and public figures is not a new thing. However, the way leader/public figure reacts to this allegation means a lot. The reaction shows the character of the person and tests his belief. To be honest, I am very disappointed with the facebook post of Mr. Mishra. I expected (and still expect more from him) he would clearly indicate the details of the event and the person responsible. The facebook post is a half-hearted reaction which is not a desirable trait in a leader. I do not want Mr. Mishra to get personal but he can always be clear and specific in issue this serious.
ii) If the allegation is baseless and false Mr. Rabindra Mishra should file a lawsuit against the one who made such allegation and the media house who broadcasted the interview. I am not suggesting this as personal vendetta but this in large would reflect that Mr. Mishra believes in the legal remedies (where necessary). There are other implication if the case is registered;
a) The court would find if the one making comment is guilty of defamation of a public figure, who now leads a political party.
b) The tendency of making baseless comments without concern for legal consequences will eventually decrease. This case could set a precedent and warn those who make baseless and derogatory comments. Maybe it's time we seek accountability for the remarks one makes.
c) The case will raise the issue of professionalism in journalism. We have seen media fail time and again but have escaped consequence for their involvement in the matter. Maybe this is time to set record straight and tell media that they too are not immune for their involvement in wrongdoing.
d) This will set an example regarding the respect of individual while exercising one's freedom of expression. As this involves a public figure who have shown political ambition, this case will take its pace and have a social impact too.
e) By taking legal action, Mr. Mishra can show "he indeed is different".
Dear Rabindra Mishra Sir, You have sacrificed your glittering professional career to pursue a political career. Don't take things like this in a small way and fight back in a half-hearted manner (without even disclosing the specifics of what/who you are talking about). Start with something small but meaningful. Show that you are different from your action. The big buzzwords like transparency, accountability and impunity are reflected in small acts of seeing redress to issue like this. Else, how can people trust someone who won't fight for one's own personal dignity in a lawful way.
People want a leader they can rely on and this is the first chance you have been handed to show you are different and profess what you preach.
I hope you think it through and take appropriate actions.